
It was a beehive of activities at the Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) as the public witnessed talents showcased by Persons with Disabilities, in an exciting event dubbed Uhai Festival. 

Uhai Festivals and International Day of persons with Disabilities ran concurrently to display the versatility and gifts of persons with disability. 

This occasion was aimed to create awareness of disability issues and unify different stakeholders to support persons with disability. 

TUM played host to Uhai Festivals and International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Parents and PWDs drawn from all sub counties in Mombasa County trooped the University’s grounds as early as on Saturday 2, December 2023. For the second consecutive year, Uhai Festival and the International Day of persons with Disabilities were commemorated at TUM.

Different partners, including the County Government of Mombasa, the Regional National Council of Persons with Disabilities, Signs TV, and Assist All, organized a major talent and sports show to celebrate this day. 

The event kicked off with a procession from Tom Mboya Special School to the Technical University of Mombasa where the main event took place. 

In attendance were the County Government officials, TUM disability mainstreaming committee members, the TUM Corporate Communications team and students, the Ministry of Education, several NGOs, partners, supporters and persons with disability. 

The chief guest was the Honourable Kenneth Ambani, the CECM of Public Service, Administration, Youth, Gender, Sports and Social Services, Mombasa County. The Director of Gender and Disability Mainstreaming, Hon. Esther Ingolo also graced the event.

Different entertainment and edutainment in the form of skits, comedy and poetry highlighted the struggles and needs of PWDs, calling on the Government, institutions and communities to provide rights and support to those living with disabilities. 

Game competitions that accommodated those physically challenged also took place. These include Sitting Volleyball, and Amputee Football among others.  The book launch of 'Unbound Voices, PWD Stories' was spearheaded by Seif Jira, Executive Director of DAYO (Dream Achievers Youth Organization). The book includes more than 50 stories and journeys of PWDs that aim to create awareness on the challenges of disability.

Chief Officer of Youth, Gender, Sports & Social Services of Mombasa Country, Mr Khamis Juma Kurichwa, shared their strategies as the County Government to ensure inclusivity and empowerment of PWDs regardless of gender, religion, race or status. 

“A percentage of the opportunities available will be going to the PWDs including internships and gigs. Additionally, an Airlift Program is in the works to grant 1500 youth including PWDs to travel abroad for job opportunities” Mr Kurichwa disclosed.

In his speech, TUM Disability Mainstreaming Committee Chairman Mr Salim R Bakari, who represented the Vice Chancellor Prof Laila Abubakar, noted that TUM has always been at the forefront in supporting persons with disabilities by giving them employment opportunities, sponsorships, and tenders.

“TUM premises are disability friendly, there are ramps in all the new buildings. We have parking areas for PWDs which are well marked, we have wash rooms for PWDs and recently we sponsored staff to peruse Kenyan sign language course in collaboration with the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) to serve PWDs better at the institution," Mr Bakari Concluded. 

Representing the County Director of Education, Ms Furaha Sebbeh expressed their utmost passion for supporting persons with disability in the education sector. 

The Ministry ensures that schools have units/lessons that accommodate the needs of PWDs. Special schools have been established over the years by the Government including Ziwani School for the Deaf, Likoni Primary and Secondary School, and Mombasa School for the Physically Challenged, among others. 

Ms Furaha urged the community to offer support, especially emotional support to PWDs. Families should not hide their children with disabilities for fear of discrimination, for that will certainly stunt their mental and emotional growth.

Ms Jemima Kutata, a champion of inclusion and disability rights in Kenya, shed light on the crucial point of psychological disability. Ms Kutata reminded the audience that while disabilities are visible, some are not. She urged the audience to also offer aid and their hand to those mentally challenged. 

Additionally, she requested the County Government of Mombasa to help persons with disability who have also been immensely affected by the recent floods in Mombasa. Ms Kutata shared an example of the Bombolulu workshop where many PWDs work, which was severely affected by the floods.

The chief guest, Mr Kenneth Ambani, asserted that the County Government of Mombasa is working with different stakeholders to ensure that PWDs are living honourable lives. He pointed out their dedication to serving those with disabilities and hence the entire team's presence at the event. 

Mr Ambani also underscored the governor's commitment to all matters of disability. The county government has different staff living with different disabilities so that they can articulate what is required on behalf of the PWDs. 

The goal is to ensure inclusivity for all. With every decision, every plan, and every strategy, they aim to consider everyone, including PWDs. Mr Ambani appreciated this devoted team that ensures efficiency to deliver as the County Government. 

TUM played a key role by granting a venue at no cost indicating the University’s commitment in embracing PWDs and giving them space. 

The Uhai Festival was a remarkable event that highlighted the gains that can be obtained from the inclusion and integration of persons with disability in all spheres of life.

Tags: TUM

