
10th December 2020, Kenya Industry and Entrepreneurship Project (KIEP) Implementation Unit visits Technical University of Mombasa
KIEP, a US$ 50 million project which aims at strengthening the private sector by increasing innovation and productivity through financial grants and technical assistance. The project is being implemented by the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development (MoITED)
Their visit was prompted by the history of TUM in the field of research and innovation particularly in Engineering, Science and Technology.
Through the office of The Registrar- Partnerships, Research and Innovations (PRI) and TUM Innovations Club, the University has nurtured many innovators.
Registrar PRI - Dr. Saulo, explained the current status of the innovations which included eighteen (18) Projects patented, nine (9) projects in the process of patenting while six (6) obtained copy rights. Apart from fostering research activities, TUM has been supplementing their partners like Swahili Pot and ‘Close the Gap’ with innovators.
Deputy Vice Chancellor – Academic Research & Extension Prof. Gichangi urged the KIEP team to join hands with TUM to ensure a successful commercialization of all projects and creating a permanent commercialization platform for future innovations.
“TUM has the strongest industry – academia linkage through its collaborations with the industry like Kenya Ports Authority, Pwani Oil Company, Mabati Rollings Company e.t.c. These partnerships have helped TUM students secure attachments and internships programs that enable them sharpen their practical skills. TUM looks forward in augmenting linkage objectives where TUM student will now find solutions for the challenges faced by the industry.“reiterated The Deputy Registrar PRI, Ms. Agnes Tsuma
“The team visit is to appreciate the good and practical interventions that you as TUM has engaged in the region for the innovation ecosystem. This is in line with ensuring inclusivity for the project beneficiaries during KIEP implementation. “Said, The Innovations Ecosystem Manager- Ms. Cecilia Mwangi.
The team then proceeded to physically inspect some of the innovations and were so much impressed by the TUM Robotic and Incubation Centre and proposed to make TUM the anchor of the KIEP project.
One of the TUM award winning Innovations that made headlines was the POISOIDON PUMP which was also exhibited in Germany after clinching top position in National exhibition in Nairobi. The project was addressing the issue of pumping water by the use of traffic to replace electricity hence reducing the water bills that lately have been seen to be sky rocketing.

Tags: TUM

