Academic Programmes

#Course CodeCourse Name
1MPSMMasters of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
2MSFMasters of Science in Finance
3MSEMasters of Science in Enterpreneurship
4MSSMasters of Science in Applied Statistics
5MBAMasters of Business Administration
6MPHMasters in Public Health
7MTSEMaster of Technology In Sustainable Energy Engineering
8MSCMMaster of Science in Supply Chain Management
9MMPVMaster of Science in Medical Parasitology and Vector Biology
10MSITMaster of Science in Information Technology
11MSIMaster of Science in Immunology
12MHRMMaster of Science in Human Resourse Management
13MFAMaster of Science in Fisheries and Acquaculture
14MSEEMaster of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
15MDSMaster of Science in Development Studies
16MSCMaster of Science in Chemistry
17MSBMaster of Science in Biotechnology
18MBCMaster of Science in Biochemistry
19MSAMMaster of Science in Applied Mathematics
20BMBFBachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Forensic Technology
21BEHSBachelor of Science in Environmental Health Science
Showing 1-21 of 21 items.