The hackathon was organized by the HealthIT TUM Project team and HealthIT UNES team. The participants included students from Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science. The hackathon was a three-day activity from 12th - 14th April 2023. The objective was to foster innovation in healthcare technology and to promote collaboration among students of diverse backgrounds. The system was expected to conform to the existing healthcare standards.
This was a hackathon with a difference, in that, it was structured as a collaborative undertaking with tasks divided among different groups. Each group was assigned a specific task and worked with the other groups collaboratively. One group concentrated on creating the patient registration module, with a focus to generate a Unique Patient Identifier (UPI). The second group worked on using the UPI number to acquire the patient's clinical summary from the Shared Health Record (SHR). The third group worked on using the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) to transmit referral requests in a standardized format while the last group focused on designing and documenting the system.
The VC Professor Leila demonstrated her support to the event when she officially opened the hackathon on 12th and closed it on 14th. Throughout the hackathon, mentors and experts from HealthIT UNES steered the process while the TUM Lead team ensured the success of the hackathon.
Overall, the hackathon was a success, with each group bringing their input to the development of an interoperable and user-friendly health referral system. The next step was to incubate the system.